Milk Chocolate Flavored Coating. 220 Calories. 22 Vitamin & minerals. High in calcium. Controlling your weight is not easy. The Slim-Fast Easy Options Plan provides you with simple choices you can make to help you easily fit weight management into your own unique lifestyle. The Slim-Fast Easy Options Plan is a guide to help you manage your weight. If you are trying to lose weight, substitute two meals a day with Slim-Fast Meal Options Shakes or Meal Bars and make sure you eat a sensible third meal. When maintaining your weight, substitute one meal a day. When you get hungry between meals, go ahead and enjoy a snack such as fruit or vegetables with any calorie-free beverage. If it's chocolate you crave, Slim-Fast Snack Bars are a delicious choice. Remember also to exercise and drink plenty of water daily. Weight Watchers: (Per Serving) Points = 5. (Weight Watchers and Points are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. The Points provided here were calculated by Slim-Fast Foods Company based on published Weight Watchers information and do not imply sponsorship or endorsement of those Points or of Slim-Fast products by Weight Watchers International, Inc.) Exchange: 2-1/2 Carbohydrates, 1/2 Fat. (The dietary exchanges are based on the Exchange List for Meal Planning, Copyright 1995 by American Diabetes Assn., Inc. & The American Dietetic Assn.)