Estate grown Se Chung and Shui Xian teas. Antioxidant rich. Full leaf flavor. 16 flow through infuser bags. Somewhere between a green and black tea, Dragon Eye Oolong begins with the finest quality Oolong tea available. This smooth, well-rounded elixir blends smoky Se Chung and Shui Xian Oolong teas with safflower, peach and apricots. Caffeine Content: One oolong tea bag = 30 milligrams per 8 ounces; Coffee = 120 milligrams per 8 ounces. Hot water has never been so happy. You love tea. We love tea. Which made us wonder; could we make tea even better? Could we change the paper bag? We could. Our gung ho gurus of tea introduced the first flow-through Infuser bag, which captured the superior full-leaf flavor of loose tea in the convenience of a tea bag. You can actually see our tea expand and infuse your cup with flavor. So go ahead, make your hot water happy with rich, full-bodied Revolution Tea. Drink it in. No sugar. Certified gluten-free.