Lucky Charms Chocolate Cereal

Chocolatey whole grain cereal with marshmallows. With whole grain. 12 Vitamins and minerals, good source of calcium, 100 calories per serving. Help lucky see the future. Sparkling magic mirror marshmallows. General Mills is committed to providing you with nutritious quality products. Look for the Goodness Corner symbols that are based on FDA guidelines to inform you of the nutritional benefits of this product. This package is sold by weight, not by volume. You can be assured of proper weight even though some setting of contents normally occurs during shipment and handling. Meets American Heart Association food criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol for healthy people over age 2. While many factors affect heart disease, diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of this disease. Good source of whole grain. This cereal provides at least 8 grams of whole grain in each serving. At least 48 grams of whole grain recommended daily. Exchange: 1-1/2 Starch. Exchange calculations based on the Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, 2003 the American Dietetic Association, the American Diabetes Association.